2 min read

therapy episode 1.4 transcript (excerpt)

therapy episode 1.4 transcript (excerpt)

A breakthrough and the therapy journey continues.

Bossy Boots

Michael: Good. Good morning Vincent.

Vincent : Good morning Michael. How are you?

Michael: Yes , I'm well , thank you . I am . look , I'm sorry for. For the last, well two sessions , there have been... a bit disruptive , and I've gone over my notes and, you know , you've expressed some frustrations . I saw my ... my therapits yesterday , and, you know , in our last session... That it worked out okay.

Vincent: Yeah, i always come away... come away thinking that...

Michael : Yeah. Look , it's always , you know, all these sessions, they're just... yes .. and ... and I'm really sorry that we got interupted with my mother calling the last time we spoke.. It was.. yeah

Vincent: yes , I remember . Yeah. Yes. And that worked out all right? Or like....

Michael: Well, okay, well, you know. This is the thing . You know , she, you know , she said it was really urgent , you know , and so I ahd to... I had to take the call and, you know , it was like , well , you know , what's so urgent? You know. And you know, and it turned out, you know , basically , you knwo , she , she said she had adream about me, you know , and , and Oh God! Yeah. And , and she said , you know ,  she said she was feeling anxious , you know. And I said , well you know mom, look i appreciate that. And... but... you know , I've just got off the phone with .. someone who's , you know , you know also feeling anxious. And , you know , this is ... so I've.. I've basically , you know , blocked her on WhatsApp and... and...

Vincent: You blocked her?

Michael: Yes

Vincent : Well, yeah.. that's a bit drastic.

Michael : Just for a while. It's not a permanent block. It's a placed .. a temporary block just to ... just to sort of make sure that you know , we're not interupted and you know, other conversations I have are not interupted . But... but listen, let's not dwell on that . Let's , let's move forward. So , so ... just preliminary . Thank you for sending through the photo with the newspaper . Yes. I can make out the dates. I can see it's today. I can see your phone. Thank you very much. That's great. Yes. Harm?

Vincent: It took me ages to do that . It took me ages. I had to get special lightinf . I had to sort of , like, move around. Move stuff around. Took ages.

Michael: yes. Well, you've done it once now , and it should be easy going forward . That's great. And then of .. in terms of harm and self-harm? We're all good on that front? Just to kind of dispense with the preliminaries. All good? No... no

Vincent: Yeah. No. All good . All good, Yeah. No, Nothing. Nothing going on there . Just all... umm ... you know just normal... yeah ... yeah

Michael: Good. Good. Just. Just the regular sort of accidents and things like that . Walking into doors?

Vincent: Yes. No. Yeah. I've been very careful.