therapy episode 1.3 transcript (excerpt)
The therapy is going slow. Vincent suggests the power of lists as a way forward.
Michael: Vincent. Good morning.
Vincent : Good morning , Michael. How are you?
Michael: Yeah, thanks . Yeah, I'm Ok. Yeah , how are you? Yeah?
Vincent : Good , good. I took your advice , and I, umm. I didn't have any coffee, and I meditated , but it worked out. The best was to do... it was to do it bed. So, I basically stayed in bed for two days and that kind of meant that I couldn't get to the coffee machine . And it was easy to meditate in bed. But what I found was, umm, I started to self -harm in the biblical sense , but ummm, you know , I'm out , I'm out of bed now , so its all good.
Michael: So okay, well thanks, Vincent. That's really good. I was hoping we would ... uh...
Vincent: Yes?
Michael: These are all things we will obviously need to come back to ... the , you know , being in bed for two days. Yes. not having coffee , which would explain being in bed for two days and then obviously the self-harm in the biblical sense. And. Yes. And oh, the , you know , the well , the implications of the biblical . But we will come back . But before we do , I just want to thank you for , um , for just coming back to the, you know, the usual preliminaries. I just want to make sure. Thank you for sending through the photos. So, I assume that you are on , on , on, on, on the couch... prone as we discussed. And thank you for sending , thank you for sending through the photo as ...we discussed.
Vincent: Yes?
Michael : Can I ask? ...