1 min read

therapy episode 1.1 transcript(excerpt)

therapy episode 1.1 transcript(excerpt)

Michael and Vincent’s  therapy session hits a snag when Vincent insists that his mother should  not be mentioned going forwards

Therapy 1.1

She who will not be named.

Vincent : And can I ask a question?

Michael: Of course. Of course . Yes.

Vincent: Can we continue without mentioning she that cannot be named?

Michael: I...in in in in , in she ... that cannot be named in that way?

Vincent: Yes.

Michael: Okay. Yes.

Vincent : Okay. Good. Yes . Well, then. Okay then. Well ... I feel like we didn't do anything today.

Michael: Well, the thing... the thing with...with with. Well, I'm sorry. I'm sorry . You. You feel that way. The thing with ... with therapy ...

Vincent: Yes?

Michael: Is ... it's not ... there's no ... it's not always a tangible . Not as a tangible thing. It's not.

Vincent: Right?

Michael: It's not like an operation. It's not ... its not like ... it's not like having an appendix removed ...if you know what I mean.

Vincent: Yes. Okay. Yeah. It's a long process.

Michael: Very much. And often painful.